Ability to exclude Alumni with zero balance from appearing on statements

We would like the ability to either exclude Alumni siblings with a zero balance from appearing on statements. Or the Ability to remove all statement recipients from an Alumni record.

  • Karen McCue
  • May 19 2022
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Jing Jin commented
    November 15, 2022 21:47

    Can you clarify what's shipped? I recently checked. The statements for alumni/past students with zero balances are still included. Do we need to go into each alumni/past student account to manually remove statement recipients? This is not efficient and time consuming, hence not a good solution.

  • Jing Jin commented
    August 31, 2022 21:44

    There's no need to include past students/alumni accounts with zero balances in the statements. If a billing status setting (active, inactive, on hold) can be added to biller profiles, it may solve this issue.