Import charges/credits to past students and alumni records

Previously, the add charges/credits to a group feature allowed batch import to any records. Now it only works with the current student records. We need to use this feature regularly to import charges/credits to all kinds of records. Otherwise, we have to manually add charges/credits record by record (talking about at least 100 records). This is not efficient and creates opportunities for errors.

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  • Nov 29 2022
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  • Brian McWhirter commented
    29 Jul 09:13pm

    I am able to import charges and credits for withdrawn or graduated students. BUT, when I try to import payments, the BBID is invalid. Can you please lift this restriction?!?

  • Brandon Chung commented
    29 Jul 06:18pm

    Similar situation. We are a newly implemented BB school and we have tens of thousands of payments to apply to Alumni and former students. It seems like our only option is to temporarily assign the student role to these users, import the payments, then restore their original role. This is easier said than done.