Hide Make Payment button and Disable save credit card info

We do not accept credit card payment. With the new release of saving debit card/credit card info, parents may think credit card is an acceptable payment method, thus causing confusion. Can we disable this feature and enable it when we offer?

We have not used BBMS for Billing Management yet. Parents see "Make Payment" button online and are confused when it does nothing after clicking it. Can we hide this now and unhide when we use BBMS?

  • Jing Jin
  • Dec 9 2022
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Julia Meseck commented
    20 Dec, 2022 02:26pm

    You can update the Parent role's tasks in Core and remove the option to Make a payment and also hide the Saved payment methods option if you do not want to allow them to make payments via the Payer portal.