We are seeing a time difference of 3 hours (ET vs PT) between transaction days meaning if we filter transactions in Billing Management and BBMS for the same day, we end up with extraneous transactions added at the beginning of the day and lost at the end.

We are seeing a time difference of 3 hours (ET vs PT) between transaction days meaning if we filter transactions in Billing Management and BBMS for the same day, we end up with extraneous transactions added at the beginning of the day and lost at the end.

This causes issues with reconciliation between Billing Management and the dispersement report (using the transaction list). We end up needing to tweak the transaction times in order to see the days align correctly but it would be nice if there was a way to filter based on the BBMS timezone when posting or pulling a report.

  • Nathan Still
  • Mar 3 2023
  • Attach files