Change module view of current student

When looking at a student record in Billing Management (or any module), have the ability to shift the view of that record to another module (for example, the core view of the same student), with one click.

  • Tony Block
  • May 14 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Tony Block commented
    8 Jul, 2021 08:36pm

    Thanks, Julia. That function doesn't seem to exist from the other modules, for example from Core, click to see Billing Management module view. Maybe they could follow your lead!

  • Admin
    Julia Meseck commented
    17 May, 2021 04:59pm

    We actually have this today -- if you click the student's name in the header of their Billing Profile, you'll get a fly-out with tiles to easily get to the Core, Student or Candidate view.