Import Payments Should Include Alumni and Past Students

Our academic year rolls over in the middle of a billing year, but because the finance team is still closing out accounts for alumni and past students, payments continue to come in throughout the summer months and need to be processed.

At present, the import payments function only permits importing to current and incoming student records (yet we can find no documentation regarding this limitation). In fact, if the import file includes alumni or past student records, it will import to the validation screen at which point the system triggers an error of "invalid user id". We had to open a support case to be told the limitation to current and incoming students was "by design".

The some of the import payments templates require the user id number (unique to each record), so there is no logical reason why the import payment function does not include alumni and past student records. There's no risk of importing payments onto the wrong record when using the templates that require the user id, so the development team should revise this functionality (as it was available during EAP but was removed due to complainants about import "problems").

As it stands, the finance team can import most of the payments, but they need to manually add payments received from alumni parents/past parents.

  • Shirley Wagar
  • Aug 2 2024
  • Planned
  • Attach files