Additional Options for TRP calculation

We calculate our Tuition Refund plan off of the Tuition less any financial aid or grants given to the student. Currently, the TRP calculation will only ever calculate off of the total tuition charge and does not take financial aid into consideration

  • Mark Lamothe
  • Apr 8 2021
  • Shipped
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  • Brenda Lampard commented
    9 Oct, 2023 07:19pm

    We do the same calculation. Have to look at each student to see if they have financial aid and then calculate the TRP ourselves.

  • KELLIE VARANO commented
    31 Jan, 2023 02:40pm

    What school TRP model would ever charge TRP at the full tuition rate instead of the net tuition? We udes integrated contracts with the admission office and now have a whole lot of un-doing to do.