When adding a large amount of charges or credits, it would be helpful to allow Student ID to be the only unique identifier required. The student name is unnecessary and adds no benefit
Hello! Based on how the add to group process works today, you are able to use a file that only has the Student ID filled in, without needing to also fill in the first and last name fields. The only time the system relies on the name fields is if you do not have an ID filled in, so it's an "either/or" choice to use the name fields or the ID. Hope that helps!
Why don't you update the description so that it does not confuse people?
Hello! Based on how the add to group process works today, you are able to use a file that only has the Student ID filled in, without needing to also fill in the first and last name fields. The only time the system relies on the name fields is if you do not have an ID filled in, so it's an "either/or" choice to use the name fields or the ID. Hope that helps!