Please Add User id number & other contact info to the PushPage Email Sent, Read, & Clicked results lists.

Please Add User id number & other contact info to the PushPage Sent, Read, & Clicked results lists. When we look at the list of users who a specific PushPage was sent to, read it, or clicked on a link in that pushpage email it just shows the user name and the date & time. Can you please at least add the user id number as a column in those lists. It would be great for it to be like a SkyList where we can choose to see the user id, the address, phone number, email address, and relationships. By relationships I mean if the user is a parent can the list also show any student that is related to them with the student's user id number, student's email... and if the user is a student can the list also show any parent that is related to them with the parent's user id number, parents phone, parent's address, parent's email.... This would be very helpful if we wanted to send an email to all those who did not read it the first time. We could also only email those users who clicked on a link with more indepth information that is related to that specific link. Thank you!

  • Ed Hilliard
  • Mar 3 2022
  • Attach files