A single place to view Payment Plans

There needs to be a dashboard type area for Payment Plans. While you can go to the Accounts Receivable section and add columns and then filter and sort and push a few more buttons to get the payment plans to float to the top, it would be much easier if you could go to a single place to manage all students who are enrolled in payment plans.

  • Dawn Alonso
  • Aug 16 2022
  • Shipped
Employee Name Dawn Alonso
User System Admin
  • Attach files
  • Dawn Alonso commented
    2 Feb, 2023 08:08pm

    I tried building a list, as suggested by a staff member and using that for billing plans, but that is not an option for filtering. So still the same issue, just going at it from a different angle. Really need a way to look at just those students who have billing plans, using any filters resets the list if you go in and look at their details forcing you to start over when you go back to the list. Not efficient.