Ability to Add Financial Aid in Batch/Bulk

It would be extremely helpful to be able to have be able to award financial aid in bulk through a tool similar to that which is used for adding charges or payments. Currently the only way to award financial aid in bulk from the Billing Management side is through an import. Having to wait in a queue for an import to run really slows things down, especially when you need to wait for it to process before you can move forward.

  • Rhonda Lightcap
  • Jan 25 2023
Employee Name Rhonda Lightcap
  • Attach files
  • Dawn Alonso commented
    10 Feb, 2023 04:11pm

    Personally, I find the import to be a good tool since Financial Aid amounts typically are not all the same. I just take the roster that is given to me by the Financial Aid department and create an upload sheet. If I do the uploads before lunch, typically they are ready to go when I get back. When you are posting you can filter the credits to post the individual Financial Aid pieces if you uploaded more than one.