Include photos when creating lists, esp. for export

I was asked to create a list of some students with their photos so that faculty could become familiar with names and faces. Blackbaud can generate the list, but is unable to pull the digital file/photo, prob due to csv format. Please add this functionality to make this a full service platform for educators.

  • Guest
  • Nov 3 2023
Employee Name Maria Roche
  • Attach files
  • Troy Burki commented
    4 Nov, 2023 11:56am

    You can pull in the actual images with a workaround in Google Sheets or Excel. Create the list you need and include the user picture column, which will give the file name. Open the exported csv in Google Sheets and add this formula in the next column (replace A2 with whatever cell has the filename in it): =IMAGE(CONCATENATE("""&A2))

    I'm assuming Blackbaud using the same base link for profile picture storage but you might need to right click on a picture and copy the image address to confirm it is the same one.

    After you set up the formula in the first cell, you can drag it down the column/double click on the blue circle in the bottom right of the cell and it will apply the all the following cells.