Improve School dropdown

We would really like to see the school/organization dropdown be a lot more friendly for applicants. We currently can't use it due to the fact that we have hundreds of schools entered as organizations and we can't expect applicants to scroll all the way through. If they could begin to type their school that would help and would cut down on the irregular way applicants will type in schools.

Like typing Highschool vs High School vs High-School

  • Bethany Van Etten
  • Apr 9 2024
Employee Name Bethany Van Etten
User IT Admin
  • Attach files
  • Bethany Van Etten commented
    12 Apr, 2024 05:41pm

    I hadn't thought about zip code! That would be great to have there too!

  • Troy Burki commented
    11 Apr, 2024 03:30pm

    I'm on the K12 side by this would be greatly appreciated. I've used other education-related sites that have a lookup-based method of selecting a school. For example, users would start by entering the zip code of the particular school, start spelling the name, or even browse by town/etc. I imagine this is based on the same kind of interface that is used for the address lookup that has been implemented recently.