Ability to pull from a field of our choice for expected graduation date on transcripts

Having the ability to pull from a field of our choice for the expected graduation date on transcripts would allow for greater customization. Right now, the expected graduation date pulls from the enrollment rows in Core, which do not always accurately reflect the expected month or year of graduation and require us to add many fields well in advance of the student's graduation date. This update would be an invaluable addition to the system.

  • Guest
  • May 29 2024
Employee Name Dr. Fulmore
User System Admin
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    29 May 06:01pm

    Hi Jessica, Thank you for asking about this. The field I had originally been thinking of was a custom admin or publishable field. I had not realized that the Anticipated completion date field in the General info tile on the Contact Card; this is helpful to know. That date would help in cases where the information is available, but in cases where the MM/DD/YYYY are not yet available because the graduation date is further into the future, it would be helpful to have the option to print the month and year to this field. Overall, what would be helpful for our institution in particular is having the ability to choose which field to pull from in cases like these.

  • Admin
    Jessica Walters commented
    29 May 05:48pm

    Hi! What "field of choice" would you want to select? A first-class field called "Anticipated graduation date" was recently added to the General info tile on the Contact card. Later this summer, we expect to deliver an import layout that enables admins to import that date along with other fields in the IPEDS section. Could that date work on the transcript instead?