Athletics - Do not send Notification if Practice/Game has passed / no change has been made

When a coach or athletic manager press the pencil edit a practice or game, and then press "save", a notification is automatically send to parents regardless of whether:

  1. Any changes have been made
  2. The calendar date is in the past

From a UX perspective, many people simply press save (instead of "x") to get out of a popup. While there is a send notification checkbox in the popup, it's very easy to miss.

I think there is a simple way to remedy this situation - if no change has been made to the event and/or the calendar date is in the past, and the user presses "save", have a warning box appear that says

"Are you sure you want a Notification to be sent?" 

<Yes>  <No>

If the user selects Yes, then the notification will be sent. If they click No, then the system should not send the notification.




  • Guest
  • Oct 13 2015
  • Attach files
  • Todd Mielke commented
    October 14, 2015 15:56

    An option to send notifications at a later date would be great too.  As it stands now if you choose to not send a notification when creating an announcement, you can't go back to send them later.