Allow two-way sync

I have read that this is specifically not planned. If that's still true, I'd like to know why. The one-way sync means that our development people will have to make any contact info changes in WH, which fragments their workflow. I don't see why we can't have a field-mapping tool that would facilitate a two-way sync.

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  • Oct 15 2015
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  • Becky Jones commented
    8 May, 2018 08:53pm

    When we used the whipple hill website (before it was bought by BB)  there was a capability to bring info from the website(core) to RE once it was approved.  We will never be able to use RE Connect as our data in Core is very incomplete as opposed to RE.  If we use RE Connect, we will lose all of the up to date data.  This seems ridiculous to me that BB cannot do something that a company did YEARS ago?!? It doesn't matter if you are working on something with the Sky reporting, but you are not taking care of your current customers' needs by not addressing this issue. Very disappointed in BB...dropping the ball.

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    19 Feb, 2016 10:19pm

    This has not been planned on the 2016 roadmap because the broader vision for Blackbaud products and our new SKY architecture will create a new way of sharing constituent data instead of shuttling it between products. Our programming options are limited with the technology with RE 7 but possibilities open up the more clients can move up to RE NXT. We understand this is a reasonable need in the workflow, it is just not something we can complete in the short term.

  • Candace Chesler commented
    20 Nov, 2015 06:10pm

    Related to this - we discovered that if we made changes to an Alumni record in RE - then the onSuite synchronization overwrote the change.  

  • Audrey Peebles commented
    21 Oct, 2015 07:42pm

    Being as we're giving staff, students and parents the ability to update their profile in OnCampus, this really is important - the next thing that happens is they get frustrated when they find out that their profile hasn't been updated in EE even though they went to all that work in OnCampus.  Wherever we can eliminate duplication f effort, the happier our users will be.  (and me!)