Ability to print detailed Student ID cards via Reports

We would like the ability to print a Student ID card with student photo, ID number, and scannable barcode, via a Report. This would be helpful for schools to have a built-in ID maker using information already stored in the system.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Oct 20 2015
  • Attach files
  • Arlene Zoeller commented
    5 Apr, 2022 04:13pm

    We would like the ability to print a Student ID and Faculty ID card with photo, Host ID and a scannable barcode.

  • Guest commented
    25 Feb, 2022 05:54pm

    We also want this for our faculty and staff

  • Kailen Song commented
    8 Sep, 2017 08:19pm

    This was a PDF report that we used to be able to print in our previous SIS. Would be really helpful to have something like this.