Ability to Change Default Persona Order on User Drop Down

We would like to be able to change the order of the default persona on a user drop down. For example, for a user who is an Alumni and Friend, we would like his Alumni persona to appear first instead of his Friend persona.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Oct 22 2015
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    • Pam Foster commented
      March 19, 2024 18:16

      We are exploring the option of using the Friend resource board and Friend role for new families since it is not being used in any other way - to share posts only pertaining to new families. But, the system does not allow us to set the Friend persona as the default persona that loads for those that also have the Parent persona (for those with Parent of Incoming Student role). The Parent persona loads by default. Even data import does not allow us to globally set these specific users' preferences to the Friend persona/Friend Resource Board ("When I log in, I would like to start logged in as...". We would have to instruct new families how to do this own their own in their welcome email. This is all to work around the fact that the Parent Resource Board does not allow us to limit posts to the Parent role vs the Parent of Incoming Student role. (Voted on those ideas, too.) From the comments on here, I wonder if the default persona is the first role they receive in the system - user-specific rather than system-specific.

    • Guest commented
      July 08, 2019 19:46

      It is hard enough getting our alums to log in to the website, now when they do, many default to the Friend Resource Board when I need them to default to the Alumni Resource Board. They just get frustrated and give up.