Bulk Edit/Delete Practice Athletic Schedules

I would like the ability to delete or edit practices in bulk, currently able to add practices in bulk but can not edit in bulk after practices have been set.
  • Deleted User
  • Aug 11 2015
  • Attach files
  • Ben Taylor commented
    November 09, 2022 16:18

    Bulk upload actually works pretty darned well from core>data import, If that could be used to update existing events that would do it for me. A fancy interface would be cool, but data import has it's advantages too.

  • Donna Moroni commented
    September 05, 2018 14:40

    YES!!!  For some reason and it could be my new coaches....have it set up practices are Tuesday-Saturday??? I would love to bulk delete and start over again.

  • Beth Tsylor commented
    June 06, 2017 19:20

    So does anyone else have an issue with the screen/ schedule taking forever to refresh before you can delete or add another practice or game? I timed it at 12-20 seconds