Ability to Specify Logo Image Used by Form/Document and School Level

We would like the option to use different logos on the Elementary School and High School report cards. Having only one default logo that is used across report cards, transcripts and applications for all school levels is a real problem. For our report cards and transcripts for our HS we like to use our HS seal however, this won't work because then that would appear on our ES applications which is a big issue. We really need to be able to specify the logo used by form/document and school level

  • Mike Lyons
  • Oct 30 2015
  • Attach files
  • Audra Harris commented
    2 Mar, 2022 06:40pm

    Has this idea ever been considered? It's been seven years now......very frustrating.

  • Guest commented
    28 Jun, 2017 04:04pm

    Please consider more flexibility here as our school found that if we change the default logo to "unofficial" for transcripts and leave it that way then all documents including forms take on this logo. 

  • Guest commented
    28 Jun, 2017 12:42pm

    We are in the middle of running large batches of unofficial transcripts and have a seal marking them as such. Any other form that has come in during that time--enrollment contracts, health forms, etc--has the same seal applied. This needs to be addressed so that each forms/document gets an appropriate logo or seal applied. 

  • Brynn Matherne commented
    17 May, 2017 05:13pm

    We would like the option to only have the logo appear on the 1st page of our enrollment application and not on the rest of the pages. It takes up too much space and makes our printed application extremely long.

  • Guest commented
    28 Nov, 2016 04:36pm

    Being able to turn off and on the logos/seals for different transcripts/report cards also would be great.

  • Guest commented
    14 Sep, 2016 12:11pm

    Flexibility on the logos seems so vital to many places. Since we can not upload an image of our DOS's signature to our transcript, we were using the logo to get that feature onto transcripts, but we do not want it on the Admissions Inquiry.

  • Audra Harris commented
    13 Sep, 2016 02:58pm

    We don't have different schools, but totally agree as we'd like to have a different transcript logo (with signature) and application logo.  Please consider more flexibility here!!!!!

  • Russ Thibeault commented
    2 Feb, 2016 05:51pm

    I agree with Mike.  This seems like a very easy idea to integrate and will save us all a bunch of time of having to turn off the default for transcripts and turn it back on for admissions letters.