Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12CO-I-944 Connect RE: Alumni Spouses - Non-constituent option.

Connect RE: setup; specify how alumni spouses integrate Merged

 Currently alumni spouses come over to RE as constituent records.  Many schools want these records to be NCs while some schools would prefer them to be constituents.  


  • Julia Meseck
  • Nov 5 2015
  • Implemented
  • Lyne Labrecque commented
    November 05, 2015 19:38

    This is not the only thing that should be considered. When an alumni has a spouse and the spouse has no relation to the school other than us needing to keep her name, we should have the possibility to only keep the name also in WH (same goes for kids). You also have to consider that there might be people in WH that we don't want or need in RE (educational agents for example). I would also like to see way more control on what is updated automatically (like business addresses, old businesses, old schools (which I know you worked on) but nicknames, etc...), the way Prefix are entered, the way regions are entered in WH does not come from a table so it might be written millions of different ways, salutations, etc.... We pass many hours making sure our RE database is clean so when people are allowed to make changes to their files (and I know I can limit that but then what is the use if we limit too much), it becomes more work to clean it again in RE and then to go make the changes manually in WH. I will not use the product Connect RE for sure for many more months until I can be assured way more control on the product.