Connect RE: Synchronize more fields!

It would be great to have these included in the connect RE synchronization:

donations/giving history

event registration information

the ability to track & synchronize previous/prior addresses when a consituent updates their information in the On* products.

  • Larry Parks
  • Nov 12 2015
  • Attach files
  • Joshua Blice commented
    September 24, 2022 10:59

    It would be very helpful to pull over more fields especially for alumni. We don't have a lot of information that is pulled over from Blackbaud to RE. We then have to export to excel and then import into RE.

  • Larry Parks commented
    February 24, 2016 17:44

    It is disappointing that giving & event registrations will not be part of Connect RE. Coming from NetCommunity, which had this capability, this has caused a tremendous amount of overhead for our Development office, not to mention the potential human error issue that we now have with manually getting donation data to RE… somehow our “upgrade” to the On* products has downgraded the efficiency and productivity of our development office.

    We’ve opted not to even put event registration information into RE at this point, but we cannot do that with donations… donation/giving history seems like something that should be included with Connect RE.

    Is it safe to assume that Connect RE is being phased out and we will be forced to update to RE NXT to get the functionality we once had with NetCommunity & RE?

    As for your question, yes, the idea would be that when someone updated their address on WH, it would update RE to show the prior address that the constituent had setup, and potentially change the ‘info source’ to WH so that RE knows where the data came from.

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    February 19, 2016 22:26

    Hi Larry,

    The ability to synchronize giving and event registrations is part of a longer vision included in RE NXT.

    However, waht do you mean by track and synchronize?

    Would you want a new change in the 'ON' products to come to RE as the new primary address and make the previously known address a prior address?

    Thanks for clarifying.