Improve profile publish access interface

Please reduce the number of clicks needed to change publish access fields. For instance, to set personal bios of faculty to publish to multiple roles, one needs to make changes to each and every relationship, such as faculty to student, faculty to parent, faculty to alumni, etc. Once the role is chosen, it takes about 6 clicks to make one change (instructions are below). It would be better to have a grid-type arrangement where multiple roles and fields can be clicked at once, with one save and confirm.

  1. Repeat this for all roles.

    1. From the dropdown, select the role for which you would like to publish information.

    2. Click the role-to-role link to publish that role's information to another role.

    3. Click Edit.

    4. Check the fields to publish.

    5. Click Save & Confirm.

  2. Click Confirm.

  3. Click OK.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2015
  • Attach files