Ability to schedule reports to run.

Having the ability to have a report automatically run and either emailed or generated at a specific time would be extremely helpful.  The most basic would be an automated attendance report sent to specific users.

  • Guest
  • Feb 15 2016
  • Attach files
  • Tracy Dodge commented
    29 Jun, 2018 01:21pm

    this exists in reports / performance, and reports / enrollment. can it just be copied into other areas like attendance? please!?

  • Josh Quaid commented
    22 Sep, 2017 05:28pm

    I would add that having scheduled reports in analyze/reports is critical as well. For example, committee chairs that run events need to have reports of registered individuals without us having to run a report, download it, and email it to them. We would like to be able to schedule the report to run and email to the person in charge.

    Further, regardless of the report or the reason, the ability to schedule reports and email them is a huge bonus.