Ability to have user files show on Academic Profile

I use the User Files to upload transfer records of new students so teachers can access their records easily. For teachers, these files show up on the Progress tab of their students, which is great. However, for someone that doesn't teach the student, like a guidance counselor, it's multiple steps to access this information - directory, search for student, go to contact card, then go to the progress tab. If we had the option to say where these files post, in this case to the Academic Profile, then it's accessible through the People Finder and shows on the same page as their report cards, transcripts, learning profiles, etc.

  • Susan Ott
  • Feb 24 2016
  • Attach files
  • Elaine Bregman commented
    January 15, 2019 18:59

    We would like all files (or be able to choose which files) to appear in Academic > Academic Profile. I agree with Susan. It is wonderful that students can easily access their files, however it would be helpful to have files appear in the student's academic profile.