School Forms - Opt Out option

Within School Forms, we would like to have a way for parents to indicate that they have read a policy, acknowledgement/permission form and agree or not agree to this. This will give parents a way to complete Forms with the ability to opt in or opt out of certain things rather than bulk agree to everything.

It also gives users a way to track parents that have completed forms. Currently this is all or nothing functionality. Parents that disagree to a policy or acknowledgement/permissions form have no way to indicate this, short of not submitting a form. This requires users to track down the non-completes and then manually track the parents/families that disagree.

  • Jan Chavarie
  • Apr 19 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 06, 2016 12:29

    You should be able to do this with a blank form type. Use the "Form Field" element and select the "Yes/No" form control type.