Remove Past Students, Alumni/ae then from School Form Submission Export/Print

For example we have a Photo Use School Form. We have 100 Seniors that graduated in 2016, and they had filled out the School Form. We are going to add new users to the same school form as the Form has not changed, however the 100 seniors that graduated and became Alumni/ae Past Students, are still listed within the School Form when Exporting or Printing submissions. I would like for there to be a way to filter these out (by Role maybe), so we do not have to recreate/copy a new school form every year and have all users fill it out again. We would like for a way to filter out Past Students and or Alumni/ae from the School Form but leave the School Form attached to the Users Record so it can be accessed if needed. We are aware we can copy the school form and make the old form inactive but this will create a ton of school forms within our system. We are also aware we can delete the user from the School Form but this will delete the form in its entirety, and will not be attached to the Users record.

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Jun 15 2016
  • Attach files
  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    June 20, 2016 22:22

    Also see this idea:

  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    June 20, 2016 22:20

    This idea requests similar functionality for Medical Contact Cards:

    Alicia K noted a workaround, that I plan on using for School Forms too: Create an Activity Group for bunches of students you want to print forms for. Either a grade, a school division.

    The set of students need to be uniquely findable via OnCampus/People/Activity/ Activity Members or Enroll Group wizards.  And cannot be just parents, has to be students.

    Once the roster is made, it unfortunately has to be updated manually. Which is why being able to involve Community Groups with Smart membership would help tremendously, both in assigning forms and tracking and printing.)

    Make people who need to print forms Activity Leaders of that group.

    Forms need to be Student Centric, with Activity Leader access set. 

    Go to Roster of that Activity Group, and in Reports pulldown on right is School Forms.

    Select form you want to print. The submitted forms will generate into a PDF. Not sure of the sort order.