Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12CO-I-475 Ability to print both Parents and Students from Family Directory when printing search results.

keep filters for Family Directory Merged

In the online Directory, I love that you can filter... for example in Student Directory, you can filter for Grade Level.  I love that you can allow the ability to print the search results... but it only shows the Student information... student email and student phone... not their parent names or contact info.  If you switch to the Parent Directory, you can still filter by Child Grade, but then you lose what Student they are connected to and spouses with different last names are not together.

The data I want to print would be from Family Directory option.  But then you lose your Filter!  Most people do not want to print a Directory for the entire School, but rather just their child's grade.

Could you please create a way to make a Family Directory from the search results (keeping the filters)?  So that if someone wants a Family Directory for just 2nd Graders, they can print it?

  • Anne S.
  • Jun 16 2016