We would like to be able to use the RSS Feed option on the Calendar with Athletic Group Events

Currently, you cannot get an RSS Feed from the Calendar for Athletic Group Events but can use the RSS Feed option with other Group Events. If we are unable to use the RSS Feed for Athletic Group Events then we should not have the option to select Group Events when only the Athletic Events are enabled on the Calendar

  • Nicole Nolan
  • Jun 20 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    14 Mar, 2019 02:50pm

    I was posting a reply to Nicole Nolan ab out where should could find the fee for just Athletics. 

  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    14 Mar, 2019 01:40pm

    Hi Kathryn, is this from the front end website, or have you already tried filtering from the main calendar down to athletic events? Please clarify how you are navigating to the place where the feed doesn't seem to be available.  Thanks

  • Guest commented
    13 Mar, 2019 10:48pm

    Turn on calendar "School Athletics" or personal calendars "Games/Practices"