Ability to add new Block Types

In Core > School > Blocks, you can add a new block and change the name, but there is no way to add a new block type. I would like the ability to create new block types to tie these blocks to.

  • Erica Bryant
  • Jun 28 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 24, 2021 15:53

    I too need to be able to schedule certain block types with the auto schedule maker (generate schedules) and some blocks are only done via manual means for one-offs. If I could set up a new Academics2 type and a CC type for special college counseling then tell the scheduler to only use the Academics type (associated with A to G blocks), then I would not have to inactivate the other blocks and reactivate after auto scheduler (or do special blocks of A to G only on all the normal classes), but could instead point classes to the Academic type.

    The Academic 2 are A2 to G2 blocks that align at the same time as A to G but have a special schedule for lunchtime only that is manually managed to make lunch attendance be equal between A and A2 if lunch is A block, or B and B2 if lunch is B block - simple to change class sections to A2 manually based on enrolled numbers once enrollment is auto scheduled.

    And the CC blocks align with A to G but are offered only once a week to juniors during their study block - again easy to do manually after enrolled and are for a rotation that starts a month after term start and ends slightly before term end. But only for the one class.