Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12CO-I-574 School Forms: Better management for past/expired forms.

Allow forms from past years to be archived Merged

Currently, the school forms, when listed under a user's "files & forms" as well as on the "you have forms to review" area list all forms historically. We are in our second year of using these, and already it creates a long list of forms. The new forms are interspersed with the old ones, making it difficult for users to find the ones they need to fill out. 

There should be a feature that allows us to mass-archive old forms, or for forms to disappear off the user's "forms to review" tab once the form has been completed, or some other way to make it so that only current/active forms are visible. If you imagine these forms being used for four years (or longer for schools that have longer enrollment times), these lists will become extremely crowded and unwieldy.

  • Lily Thompson
  • Jul 1 2016
  • Implemented
  • Guest commented
    September 16, 2016 19:07

    I completely agree!!!  We have some families with multiple children for 9-11 years with multiple forms each year!  There must become a way to archive, hide old forms each year.