ODBC write permission

I don't really see a sections for VPN and ODBC ideas so I am putting this here.

It seems that a lot of "bulk changes" cannot be made due to the lack of functions for working with group of data.

A few of these "bulk change functions" includes:

-Modify credits on a group of courses/sections.-Mass delete sections.
-Mass changes to custom fields.
-and many more.

Instead of requesting for each functions and adding more work load on the already busy team, I would like to request a way to get write permission through ODBC to our site's data.  I understand that this comes with security issue (as is everything else on the web), however, for those of us who are already using the SDK's POST option, writing into the database is already there.  This will simply be another option for those who are seeking for a more robust/customized product.

  • Tien Bui
  • Aug 8 2016
  • Attach files