Easier way for Teachers to see who is able to pickup Students and mark them as picked up

We’d like to have some means by which the yard monitor could easily see on an iPad or iPhone a student and the people who are allowed to pick them up at the end of the day from the play yard or parking lot.

Ideally, the parent would have access to update this list easily without the school having to reactivate a school form. And the teacher would have easy access to the list of names with a click. Perhaps clicking on the child’s name on a list reveals their list of approved pick-up people.

The parent has a place where they just enter names and then those names are pulled onto the list that the teacher checks – the list is pulled from the source field so it’s live and the parents can update minutes before pick-up if needed – without calling the school.

  • Erica Bryant
  • Sep 23 2016
  • Attach files