Support DNS Failover using DNS Toolbox

Currently, configuring a failover goes beyond what is offered. A school would need to sign up for their own Amazon Web Services account and configure it.

Having DNS failover or redundant DNS would allow us to

 1) Have multiple internal services be active in the event of an ISP failure

2) Be able to provide much higher uptime for servers hosted internally

 Having a DNS name be resolved to multiple IPs and failover from the primary to a secondary IP would enable the above. Currently they are mapped to IP addresses from an ISP and in the event of a failure, constituents from the outside (students, parents, faculty) are unable to access those internal resources as name resolution has failed. With us having redundant ISPs, the ability to have DNS failover ensures name resolution is up through the secondary pathway.

  • Scott Durham
  • Oct 28 2016
  • Attach files