SKY Lists are the future of lists in the ON products, and we’ve made a number of improvements to them in the March 8 release.
Among those changes, in addition to searching new lists, users who can access any list can now access a central location for managing all of the lists they have rights to. (They now have the Manage Lists task enabled.) From any “ON” product, select Lists > Manage Lists.
Check out the video!
Ok - I hate to sound ungrateful as today's changes to List searches are definitely an improvement. But I have to say that putting Lists on the top of the navigation bar and the pull-down just says "more lists" is pretty funny and when I looked for reports, it was kinda weird to click on "Analyze" and all that pull-down says is "reports". And I hope Vincent Jurgen's idea about searching descriptions and list title will be available down the road. Is this a work in progress?
It would be great to have the capability of giving run/copy permissions from within the list as well, instead of having to go back to the list of Lists and adding access there.
Hooray! Thanks for the great news, Jane!
Good news all - watch for this in our June 29th release!
This is critical- I have found a work-around for the time being: if you click into Organize, you can use your browsers find function to at a minimum determine the category it is in.
And as a List administrator, there are even more lists available, hundreds. Very time consuming to have to pogo-stick in/out of various Role/User combinations, and paginate through results, looking for something useful. Many users don't work here anymore, or they created a List while in a strange role.
Also, a Search field should search both Title and Description of a list.
The lists are a very useful tool, but we need to be able to find them. What happens is people don't want to search the hundreds that are there and therefore, keep creating more of the same.
Why not just expand the current search tool? Right now you can only search lists from the dashboard, and then only by name, and you only get "instant" results. Just have this return a filtered view of what you searched for, just like the standard list interface. That's at least a start.
Can you just move the Lists search field that you see on when you login to the lists page?
I agree we have some work to do to make this easier to manage. We are considering ways to handle this. Thanks for your patience. Feel free to add comments on any other specific ways this could be made easier for you. Thanks!
Even with careful naming conventions and rules about categories - searching through the lists is cumbersome.
Yes! I think this should be Blackbaud's no. 1 priority.