Ability to add Responsible Signer to relationships in Edit User Profile Data

When creating new users and adding their parents, we currently need to go to multiple locations to identify if a parent is Primary and if they should be marked as a Responsible Signer. The defaults are set under the Relationship Types, but Edit User Profile Data does not seem to allow the ability to add Responsible Signer. This causes the process of manually adding relationships to a user to take over twice as long as it needs to if the process could be completed in a single location.

  • Ryan Cook
  • Feb 17 2017
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    17 Sep, 2018 09:13pm

    We are going forward enhancing the Core Profile found from People Finder, where you can set the responsible signer under Manage Relationships.  Please join the conversation here if you find things missing that you depend on under Edit User Profile Data.


  • Candace Chesler commented
    7 Jun, 2017 04:45pm

    Related to this - marking a parent as No Contact in Core > Profile Access  - removes Parental Access but does NOT remove the parent as a Responsible Signer.