Add additional search options in Edit User Profile

I would like to be able to select a group of records based on other criteria from their Profile.  For Example - I would like to filter for anyone who's Title is "Not one of" - so I can easily grab the records where parents have entered something other than a standard Title.

Specific to us - we have a Grandparent Profile Update form that asks parents to answer Yes or No to a question.  Because we can't include a checklist in the Profile Update - our workaround was to ask for the Yes or No as the Middle Name field.  If I could search the Profile Update based on criteria of Role is Grandparent and Middle Name is not null - I would then be able to click directly into those records to make my edits.  

  • Candace Chesler
  • Mar 22 2017
  • Attach files
  • john ronan commented
    October 19, 2017 17:05

    I think additional search fields should be pervasive.

    Anywhere I go to look for a record, I always have to:

    - enter the search criteria  (one thing; usually last name)

    - click 'search'

    - scroll all over the place

    - click the user

    Consider looking for someone named "Veronica Smith":  the scrolling could require several page flips through other Smiths, whereas, if I could just also put in "Veronica", it'd be a simple click.