School Forms: An easy way to contact users who have Started, Submitted, etc

We need to be able to reach out by email to the subgroups. Having an email button for finished, started, not yet started would be ideal, even if it just generates a csv list.
  • Guest
  • Aug 26 2015
  • Attach files
  • Veronica Esclamado commented
    January 12, 2018 14:54

    Can't we just use the reminder notification?

  • Guest commented
    April 02, 2017 21:17

    I vote yes!

  • Guest commented
    January 07, 2016 16:11

    Agreed. Tracking down users who have not completed forms without this enhancement is way too challenging when dealing with 1100 students and 6 different forms.

  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    September 06, 2015 20:08

    See my K12CO-I-142. Phone numbers too. And forms related to entire Family...

  • +1