ability to group students by family

We have numerous times throughout  the year that I need to create a list of students sorted by family (familyID) and oldest to youngest.  1) for applying graduated multi child tuition discount 2) sending home printed materials or family directories 3) producing demographics on # of families per campus not # of students....... Currently I use an unused field on Bio 2 in EE that I enter a "FamilyID"   ex: 89657-1 would be family 89657 and the -1 is the oldest child, -2 second child and the last child is denoted with a -9x.  Then I can create queries and lists of all those students in grades 1-4 that are the 3rd child in a family.  So I how do I gather families in like groups?  I need to know how to associate relationships between siblings so that legacy can be established.

  • Lorrin Saliba
  • Jul 13 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • john simpson commented
    3 Nov, 2021 06:16pm

    Hey Alex.

    Will this Household feature allow for a record (student or parent) to be a member of more than 1 Household? If not, then it's going to be a pointless feature. Here's the most common scenario that drives this need.

    Parent1 and Parent2 have Child1 and Child2.

    P1 and P2 divorce.

    P1 remarries to P1a.

    P1 and P1a have Child3.

    Household1: P1, P1a, P2, C1, C2

    Household2: P1, P1a, C1, C2, C3

    Household3: P2, C1, C2

  • Alex Mendiola commented
    3 Nov, 2021 05:53pm

    Hi Lorrin,

    Our new Household feature should allow you to do most if not all of the activities you listed in this idea. Please let me know if there are still enhancements you would like to see.

    All the best,

    Alex Mendiola

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