We would like a way to pull a list of all of our new families after they've been rolled over from Incoming without pulling current families or new families with current students into it.

We have an event every year for new families and once they become parents and students, its not possible to easily pull them into a list to create a distribution group from. 

  • Meredith Sperling-Jeffers
  • Jul 19 2017
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    • Guest commented
      July 21, 2017 17:42

      We created a list using filters of "Role:Student" and "Candidate: Entering Year" which when populated to the year in question gives us who was new for any year.  We followed that up with using the "locker" field by adding "New: xx-xx (Year, like 2016-17), Grade level" to help secondary teachers see who is new also since admin fields are visible for faculty.

    • Candace Chesler commented
      July 20, 2017 17:34

      I have a User Defined Field that I use to flag the youngest or only child within a family. That field has three values: Yes - for children enrolled two or more years; Sibling - for the new sibling members of an existing family; Incoming - for the youngest or only child from an incoming family. A child has the value of Sibling or Incoming for only one year. The next year that value becomes "Yes".

      To pull all of my families that are brand new to the school, I pull the parents of any child with the value of "Incoming" in that User Defined Field.