In need of accuracy with who is listed as making changes within Core, when viewed through "Handle Profile Changes"

The system misrepresents who made changes within a profile. We have had this challenge for years without resolution. The system often lists a different person than who actually made the change, often including former employees among the names. 

  • Guest
  • Aug 1 2017
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    • Pam Foster commented
      January 14, 2021 15:00

      Thank you for the update, Janet!

    • Janet Wittenberg commented
      November 09, 2020 17:16

      Hi Pam,

      I completely agree. This has been handled as a defect and I think in the last 6 months we have squashed most bugs in this area. A substantial change was to make sure in all cases we are recording the actual user performing the update, not who was being impersonated. If you (or anyone else reading this) have a specific recent example where the logging is still incorrect, please submit to Support ASAP so we can research. Please supply your best understanding of what action was taken at the time recorded so we can track down why the right user wasn't recorded. Some possible edge cases include cascading events to shared addresses or tasks like withdrawing a student that trigger subsequent updates.

      Thank you for your patience on this one.


    • Pam Foster commented
      November 09, 2020 16:11

      This is very concerning and should be a defect rather than a suggestion. I process all profile changes and automatically handle those made by my name (clear them without reviewing), which means I could miss making changes to other databases if my name is incorrectly listed as the person who made the change....

    • Nancy Kierstead commented
      September 14, 2017 15:28

      This happens to us as well.  It's especially obvious when it shows the name of a past employee who no longer has any access.