Ability to require the completion of a form upon login.

It is commonplace for schools to expend a good amount of resources towards chasing parent who've not completed forms prior to the start of the school year. The ability to force, or at least coerce the parent into completing the forms would save a great deal of time and resources during the busiest time of year. It would be great to flag specific form in this fashion where we set the due date of the form.

  • Guest
  • Aug 2 2017
  • Attach files
  • Priscilla Lopez commented
    October 26, 2022 08:22

    or three chances to Dismiss with a warning that if not completed by the date after the third dismissal will be unable to access resources until completed.

  • Priscilla Lopez commented
    October 26, 2022 08:20

    Prevent users (parents, students, employees) from accessing any resources, grades, attendance, homework etc until they've either they've scrolled and clicked on everything and acknowledged or declined the form with a reason.