Day Name should not span the whole day

When I export the Calendar Feed to my Calendar, the "Day Name" such as A, B, C etc spans the whole day. For example it shows on my Calendar as A Day (Upper School) which is what I would like, however, if you open up the appointment it shows as the full day 12 am on one day to 12 am the next day. This is a problem because it makes it look like I am not able to take any other appointments for the day therefore resulting in not being able to book other appointments. The current work around is to create Day Names as Events on the Calendar and only input a short time frame so it does not span the whole day and remove the Day Name labels from the Schedule Set.

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Aug 16 2017
  • Attach files
  • Ted Parker commented
    20 Apr, 2022 12:25pm
  • Peggy Lehman commented
    18 Aug, 2017 01:49pm

    So, it was decided that creating an Event that may trigger a notification early in the morning would not be a good thing.  It was then suggested to remove all Day labels from the schedule sets to remove the reservation a calendar import would generate.  That's fine, but as I am setting up more schedule sets for other divisions, I have no reference for what day it is to check myself.  If I label the days, "A" - "G," "D3," and "X," I am back where I was with a label generating a reservation for anyone who wants to import a calendar.  To keep my sanity, I have to label the days, set the schedule, and then erase the day labels before anyone can import the calendar.


    Why can't a label just be a name and not an appointment?


    I understand that our schedule is complex - a 7 day rotation with tumbling periods, but this has made it even more complicated than it should have been.