Display Order of Parental Relationships

I would like to be able to control the Sort order of the Parental Relationships as it appears to go by first relationship/user id added. This would be helpful in divorced situations where one parent should be listed before the other and currently there is no way to do this.

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Aug 23 2017
  • Attach files
  • Claire Broadway commented
    21 Apr, 2022 02:00pm

    Yes, ability to drag and drop the relationships order just like we can with emergency contacts would be amazing. Right now, sometimes and Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents show up before the parents and it just doesn't make sense.

  • Lina Kim commented
    25 Oct, 2021 01:28pm

    This would be helpful. Many parents are asking for this

  • Kate Warner commented
    23 Jun, 2020 10:35pm

    Yes please! Every time I run an export of parents, it requires a lot of extra work to move the relationships around.

  • Guest commented
    11 Dec, 2018 07:27pm

    This would be highly sought after. As the Advanced List Rel Ordinal looks at this behind the scene  Sort Order for pulling constituent information regarding the parents.

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    10 Dec, 2018 04:06pm

    This would be very helpful.  It should at least give "Home 1" address priority over "Home 2".  

  • Larry Franklin commented
    16 Jul, 2018 09:17pm

    This is a major issue for our school directory. Also, it would have been good knowing this going in because we could have asked the data team to load the data in a specific order.

  • Betsy Sidebottom commented
    10 Apr, 2018 06:56pm

    I agree with Jason Ulrich.
    PLEASE make it feasible to change the order.  I have a birth mother PISSED that the step mom shows up first.  I could go the extra mile and delete the step mom and then re-enter her account info, give her new account info, etc but I don't think it's fair that I should have to clean up something that should be Blackbaud's responsibility to help us with.  Please consider assisting us and not making us look like the bad guy to these families.  

  • Guest commented
    6 Oct, 2017 05:35pm

    Yes please.  Parents are particularly emotional while a split is happening and this becomes all they can focus on.  At least in my case.  Whew.

  • Guest commented
    24 Aug, 2017 12:54pm

    This is an issue for us as well. Would love to see a fix.