Currently, if a school form had previously been created and you want to send out a notification, the Send When Activated option doesn't work unless you inactivate it and then activate it again. These seems very tedious. It would be better if we could select Send When Activated and then see a list of the users who will receive this email. That way we know where this is going before sending.
I vote for "send reminder now" - great idea!
I like the "Send reminder now" button! Great idea!!
How about just a "Send reminder now" button? Instead of having to activate, save and close, then activate again. Also, confirmation that reminders have been sent (or queued to send) would be nice. Right now you just have to hope it actually sent.
In addition, it would be great to see more detail in the OnMessage > Communications > Notifications > School forms section about which forms went to whom. At the beginning of the school year we are sending out multiple notifications every day and it is impossible to know which ones went to whom without the detail in this area.