Provide ability to monitor and control student messages (messaging turned on in Inbox)

Students currently can message other students, even while taking an exam. We need:

1) a report that we can run by grade and class roster which lists all messages sent and/or received.

2) the ability to turn messaging on and/or off by grade level and Role, ideally like Profile Publish Access, where you could say Student > Teacher yes, Student > Student No.

If a teacher suspects some problems, they would have to go to Admin, have them impersonate and check messages. Really??

PLEASE do not add the ability to delete messages before assigned this.

Thank you,

  • Julie Farr
  • Sep 1 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 02, 2024 19:10

    We desperately need the ability to turn off the messaging option for students who are abusing this function while allowing this important communication tool to be used by the rest of our student body.

  • Guest commented
    May 06, 2020 23:02

    Any lead or update on this? We are very interested in seeing a way to monitor inbox messages as well.