Email Selection

In the directory, because I feel it is probably the easiest area to do this, there should be a box next to the directory email addresses, and once you click that box to check that email along with any other emails you need there should be an email button that will take those email addresses and open the email client with those email addresses.  That way people in the organization can email students, or parents, or even teachers that are not associated via groups or classes but need to receive a communication from a principal or someone else.  


I also think this would be helpful in Rosters area for all groups so that you can truly select the students or parents that you want to email if there are a select few. This would alleviate a lot of email issues and we would have a higher percentage of users logging in and using the system instead of using outside resources.

  • Lisa Williams
  • Sep 7 2017
  • Attach files
  • Jane Hannon commented
    January 14, 2021 00:11

    I fully agree! This would be extremely helpful. It is very tedious to create a group or distribution list, or to have to go through each contact card individually. This suggestion would save lots of time.