Add a role specifically to grant access to sky lists like sky reports has.

Currently, the only way to grant a user access to sky lists is to give a clone of a manager role.  This inadvertently gives access to other unnecessary things even when all other tasks are removed.  Each type of sky list should have it's own task that can be granted.  This would allow for cleaner sharing of access to this very useful tool.  Another option would be to set up sharing the way advanced lists can be shared to a specific person or role.  Right now we can only share our lists with other people who have access to sky lists via a manager or cloned manager role that has been granted access.

  • Shawna Khan
  • Sep 11 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    August 19, 2020 12:52

    Good news! The Sky reporting role now has the tasks for each of the worklists. You can clone this role to separate access to the list tasks. If you give this role to someone who otherwise only has Faculty, they will access lists through the other menu options (Enrollment Management, Core, etc). Student List should only show the basic columns unless a user also has access to Attendance or Grading.
    Our long term plan is to add sharing at the user or role level to Lists, but we haven't scheduled it yet.

  • Christa Lakey commented
    August 17, 2020 20:36

    This would be HUGELY helpful to connect the offices on our campus without giving them unnecessary roles where they could alter other information. It doesn't quite make sense that you can create shareable lists, but only share them with people who also have the ability to create them. Thank you for looking into this!

  • Joe St.Clair commented
    September 11, 2019 13:55

    This enhancement request has become more urgent with the addition of the new Academics Dashboard options, which are currently inherent to 'Academics' persona Manager Roles, and cannot be disabled.

    This means that, currently, if you clone the Attendance Manager role, and only have 'Worklist' tasks enabled for that role, a user can still use the Academics Dashboard to record attendance.

    A dedicated role to give access to these Sky Lists (worklists tasks) would alleviate the messy business of cloning Manger roles that don't need Manager access.