Reply to Inbox notification from email

I have had a few people, mostly faculty with a few parents, ask for the ability to respond to an inbox message via email if they get the notification via email. I realize this is not an easy thing to accomplish but wanted to pass it on :)
  • Anthony Trumbo
  • Jul 22 2015
  • Attach files
  • Nathan Still commented
    21 Feb, 2018 11:51pm


    I completely agree with Daniel on this one.  There are many ways that the user could be met with something other than a cryptic "Address Not Found" message 20 minutes later.  Here are my suggestions in order of usefulness to most simple to implement:

    1. Helpdesk style integration with email where the email contains a message ID that would allow any response to be added right into the message conversation in Blackbaud.
    2. The sender's email address is made the "reply-to" address in the email so the reply goes to the correct person rather than going nowhere.
    3. The sender's email address is added as a CC still resulting in an error from the webmaster and generating some annoying CC emails but at least allowing the sender to see the recipients responses.
    4. A "reply to this message" link is included in the email to link directly to the message conversation in BB.  In some ways, this might be the best option because it is both simple and keeps the conversation "behind a password" as the BB documentation states.
    5. A message in the email indicates that the user should not reply to this email.  Not very useful but at least informative.

    Please implement one (or many) of these as this would make the tool so much more useful.


  • Daniel Millbank commented
    3 Aug, 2017 02:51am

    Here's an idea that can help with the "Reply to Inbox notification from email" suggestion above. The Messages feature in the ON products could be restructured from instead of being an independent messaging application with extremely limited options that resemble text messaging more than email to actually tie it to email addresses. If one can assume that each constituent and each user in onCampus has an email address, when sending a message using the Messages feature it will send an email with that contents with the senders email in the CC field to allow the recipient to effectively respond. 

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