Don't allow parents to hide contact info from teachers

Right now, any user can "opt out" of having their information published to the directory. They should NOT be able to prevent teachers from seeing the information. This should be up to the school to decide.

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  • Dec 11 2017
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  • Oona McKnight commented
    6 Feb, 2018 07:41pm

    When user check the box that says "Include my name but do not include any other information about me" it hides ALL info from teachers and staff in the directory. It prevents teachers from being able to see contact info for their students and parents.

    To get around this, we have to go through the directories each week to see who has checked this box, then go to their permissions and hide all info from parents and students but keep it visible to staff and teachers. We would like to be able to turn off this button, which would force parents/students to go to the different roles and choose what to hide or show for each role.

  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    3 Jan, 2018 02:29pm

    I know that Blackbaud has said several times in their training videos that at the end of the day, it's users' choice to decide what information is visible to others within the school community.

    What specific information parents are hiding that you want teachers to be able to see?